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Commission Information


Commission Status


Thank you so much for considering me for a commission!

Here you can find what kinds of commissions I offer, the starting price for each, as well as some additional information on what to expect when commissioning me and what's included in your commission!

Will do's and Wont do's

What I will and won't accept as commissions!

Don't see what you're after on either list? Generally, as long as it isn't on the "won't" list I'm probably open to doing it, but if you're still unsure, don't hesitate to ask!

Dragons and other fantasy/sci-fi creatures


Animals - real or fictional

Humans and human-adjacent creatures (elves, teiflings, fairies etc)

Stylized Pet portraits

Fan art

NSFW content

Object/item design

Landscape-only drawings (excluding space-scapes)


Realistic Portraits

Hate art

NFT's or anything for any other crypto-related projects

Anything for AI (e.g. using the commissioned work in AI training)

Fanart of hateful or bigoted properties

Commission Pricing

Commission prices are in AUD (Australian Dollars)

Current conversion rates are approximately:

$0.65 USD, £0.53 and €0.61 (though conversion rates change regularly)

Commission Requirements

Before I can accept a commission, I require the following:

  1. That you are at least 18 years of age

  2. That you have a valid email address - this is required so that I can both confirm you are not a bot, and so I can send you a paypal invoice for payment.

  3. That you are able to provide at least one other contact method in case there is an issue with contact via email.

What's Included in your Commission and what to expect

The Final Artwork

Once your commission is completed, I will send you a high-resolution version of the image. A lower-resolution image will also be uploaded to my art social media accounts, including Instagram, Bluesky, Tumblr and Mastodon. Of course, if you would prefer the commission not to be shared publicly for whatever reason, please let me know.


For all commission types except the Artistic Freedom Commissions, I'll send you WIPs to ensure you are getting exactly what you want!

If there's something in a WIP you don't like or are concerned about, please don't hesitate to let me know as early as possible! It's much easier to fix an awkward pose or mistake as a sketch than it is to fix once everything is coloured and shaded!

Excessive reworking in the late stages of the commission may incur additional fees if they're going to add a significant amount of time to your commission. I will, of course, discuss this with you first.


Typically, for most pieces, I aim to have your commission finished within 2 weeks of starting it. If it seems likely that it will take longer to finish your commission, then I will endeavor to let you know as soon as possible!

Timelapse Videos

If you want to see the making of your commission, I'm quite happy to provide a timelapse in most situations. The only commission type I can not offer this for is anything in 3D, as 3D software usually takes up too much of my PC's power to also record footage.

These timelapse videos will be uploaded to Youtube, Tik Tok and this website. As with the low-resolution versions of the final image, let me know if you do not want them to be shared.

Important Information

Use and rights of the finished piece

For the most part, I retain the rights to the finished artwork, meaning I can post the image to any of my social media accounts or it to advertise my commission services in the future. Unless agreed on before-hand, you can use your commissioned piece for personal use, or use it to promote yourself or agreed upon projects online. You may not:

  • Remove my watermarks or otherwise edit the commissioned artwork without my consent

  • Resell the commissioned artwork

  • Claim the commissioned artwork as your own

  • Use the commissioned artwork or any WIPs given to you in AI training or as a prompt for AI (e.g. give the AI a sketch and ask it to finalize the image, or ask it to generate similar images based on the final product)

  • Use the commissioned artwork for NFTs or any similar crypto-projects.

  • Use the commissioned artwork in any commercial large-scale productions unless agreed upon beforehand.

If you would like to purchase full commercial rights to the artwork, which would allow you to do any or all of the things mentioned above, considerable additional fees will apply.

Prices and Payment Info

Pricing is based on complexity

As mentioned, the prices listed above are the base starting prices for that type of commission, but the price may increase based on the complexity of the piece.

the prices are based on the time I expect to spend on your commission. Things like additional characters, complex designs, lack of references for the characters etc all play into the final price.

Once you submit the Commission quote form, which gives me a brief overview of your request, I will reach out and we can discuss the specifics of the piece you would like! Once we are both on the same page, I'll send you the final quote, then once I receive the deposit amount, the commission is considered "started".

Paypal Only

Unfortunately, I'm only able to accept Paypal at this time, as it's the only option I'm aware of that is feasible for me to use due to currency conversion, and other options like Venmo are not available in Australia currently.

I am open to discuss other payment options, and am actively looking for other ways to accept payment, but for now Paypal is the only payment method I can accept.

Deposits and refunds

I Before starting a commission, the agreed upon price can either be paid 100% up-front or 50% up-front and 50% when the piece is complete.

I require a 50% non-refundable deposit on all commission pieces. Once the commission process has begun, that deposit can not be returned for any reason.

Payment Plans

I understand that money is tight for everyone right now! I am happy to offer repeat customers payment-plan options on commissions over $150AUD. Unfortunately though, due to the number of scams going around right now, I can only offer this to folks who have already previously ordered commissions from me or who I know for sure will follow through on agreed plan.

Providing Reference

Please provide any reference images you may have of your character. Reference sheets are ideal and super helpful but not needed. Even something as rudimentary as a basic sketch with stick figures or a character you made with a generator/base is incredibly helpful so I can get a clear idea of your character's most important features. If you don't have any visual representation, that's ok too, describe them in as much detail as you possibly can.

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