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In Orbit - Xari Animation

I often find myself a bit overwhelmed by my projects and I will often start something, work on it until I burn out, leaving the piece to never see the light of day! Generally, when I disappear for a while, that's usually why haha. I'm working towards managing my time a bit better to try and stop this from happening so much, and one of the ways I'm doing that is giving myself a timeframe challenge to complete a smaller project in a certain amount of time.

For this animation and scene, I gave myself 7 days (not consecutively, as I have work and other commitments, but 7 days total) and I think I managed to pull off a lot in those 7 days.

I was able to build the whole scene, animate it, fix multiple problems with Xari's rig, gave her some extra expressions, made her expressions flicker when they change, gave some tail fluff, and even model some potential upgrades for her limbs that might be introduced at a later date. I'm not very happy with the fur on her hand, it unfortunately didn't want to play nicely with the lighting and I didn't have time to fix it properly, but all in all, I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out!

*Just a heads up, the video is 4K, but youtube doesn't seem to like loading that by default, so I'd recommend manually setting it (click in the little cog, click "quality" and select the top option). Otherwise, it tends to look quite blurry. I'm looking into how to fix this for next time.*

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