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Kwei'Zah (commission)

Hey there everyone! It's been a bit of a slow year for me art-wise, as I've been having a lot of technical problems, but I'm back! This was a commission for my friend Ko of his Pathfinder character in our campaign. Kwei'Zah is part of a homebrew race based off Sergals, a species of creatures popular in the furry community. Kwei is mute and uses sign language to communicate, and has a love for the starry sky. He started out as a black-and-white Sergal, but not long before I finished up the picture, he fell into a pool of potion which bleached his skin and fur blueish-white.

In the picture, I attempted to draw him doing the Auslan sign for "stars"

A mostly white creature is standing upright, holding a sword in one hand and signing the word "Stars" in Auslan with the other. He is wearing brown hide armour and a cape that seems to be made from stitched together animal hides. He has very pale blue markings on the top of his head, which looks like a long and pointed shark-head, and the markings continue down his neck, under the armour and and down his tail. Is covered in a number of blue-ish scars that look like they were from cuts. he has a number of very prominent ones on his neck and a few smaller ones on his face and hand

Ko also asked me to do a (SFW) version of him without the armour on, in case Kwei picks up any new armour later in the game so we know what he looks like underneath.

The same character, but now without the armour on. A deep scar is now visible on his chest, and a smaller one can be seen on his shoulder. The blue markings can be seen curling around his shoulders and down his sides.

Ko has been so incredibly patient! He commissioned me the week my tablet died, so they've been waiting on this for months! Thank you so much for being so patient, I did have a lot of fun doing Kwei!

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