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Project Hirron: A few pieces of early concept art

Hey everyone.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been having technical issues with my drawing tablet, so my art output has been very low lately. The short version of the story was my 10-year-old Cintiq (drawing tablet) finally gave out and died. I decided to try a new brand (In my opinion, Wacom is in some serious need of competition) but it didn't go well, and ended up having to replace the new one. I decided, in the end, to go with Wacom, because at least I knew their tablets worked. It arrived last week and I'm so excited to be able to get back into it! This whole thing went on for over a month. Thankfully, I had a backup tablet to use in the meantime, but I was very out of practice using it so wasn't really confident showing off what I was doing. Still, something is better than nothing!

During this time, my partner Jesse and I started working on something we're calling Project Hirron. All I'll say, for now, is that it will be a fantasy webcomic series. Jesse is handling the writing while I am handling the art and worldbuilding side of things. Most of what I got up to during May, while I was having all those technical issues, was writing lore for Project Hirron, but I did a few pieces of concept art in the meantime. They're not my best work, but I'm still pretty happy with how they turned out.

The first picture (above) is some concept art of one of the races, the Chirani. Chirani are elf-like creatures who inhabit the vast Aronari Rainforest, a rainforest which covered over half of their home continent of Ornem. Chirani come in many colours, with violet/blue skin being the most common, reds and oranges being the second most frequent, and shades of green being rare but possible. Chirani lack hair, instead they have feathers on their heads and at the tips of their tails. Males can also occasionally have tufts of feathers on their shoulders and backs, but they usually keep those covered by their clothing. Some Chirani have faint spots, stripes or patches, usually similar in colour to their skin tone and fairly faint.

Next is one species of Kor'Dem, another one of the races featured in Project Hirron. These Kor'Dem are large dragons that can grow to immense sizes. They originated from the mountains and developed their famous fire breath to help them deal with the extreme cold. Other species of Kor'Dem who live in the deserts developed ice-breath to help them deal with the heat, and Kor'Dem who lived on the coasts developed electric breath to help them hunt quickly and efficiently in the water, even during extreme storms that would otherwise make hunting for something of their size extremely difficult.

But the ability that all Kor'Dem share, and what they are famous for in this world, is their ability to partially shape-shift. In an attempt to foster better understandings between the Chirani, many Kor'Dem started using this ability to take on a more humanoid form, which made them significantly less intimidating to the Chirani people.

Above is one of the domesticated species one might find in Ornem, the Ilensai. These huge, red panda-like-creatures were domesticated first by the Chirani to be used as mounts to help them navigate long distances in the dense rainforests. Their ability to climb while carrying a chirani rider made them favourable to creatures like horses, and their ability to eat and digest nearly any plant material made them easy to care for.

And finally, some concept art of one of the main characters of the comic, Idrin. I won't say much about her now, but Idrin is a mechanic and part of a party of four.

I'm actually really happy with how she turned out. I started this particular piece on my backup tablet but was able to at least finish it on the new one. Unfortunately, it also demonstrated to me that I have not calibrated the screen on the new tablet properly because she came out looking quite different on every other screen I looked on, oh well, that ones one me and is an easy fix haha.

Hopefully, I'll have some more completed pieces to show soon, both relating to project Hirron and some other smaller stuff I'm working on as well!

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