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The Pelexat Galaxy Comic - Character concept art

Over the last couple of months, I've been really focused on a comic I'm planning (which is, so far, unnamed). Pretty soon I'm going to have some more info up on my website about the setting specifically, but lately, a lot of the concept art I've been doing has been centred around the characters of the comic, so I thought I'd share.


An image of what appears to be a character profile. The name Xari is in the top left corner. To the right is text in another (fictional) language which shows how Xari writes their own name. and across the top of the page is a colour pallet. Under Xari's name is an illustration of them, they are a bipedal green alien with a long, camel-like snout, 4 eyes and 6 long, rabbit-like ears. They have 4 arms and are waving at the viewer. They also have two prosthetic legs. They wear a short-sleeved shirt that exposes their midriff and has a tail. Their pants are baggy and go just past their knees. To the right of that image is some text (transcript bellow) and on the bottom right corner is a picture of Xari walking on their crutches.

Image text transcript:

Full Name: Xaribek Veri'ep

Known as: Xari

Pronouns: They/Them

Species: Kepek

Race: Bektepi

Gender: Genderqueer

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Purnekel Farmer

Xari is a Kepek born and raised on The Bektep Space


Despite their outgoing personality, they are one of the few Kepek who doesn't mind being on their own and enjoy having time to themself.

Xari works as a Purnekel Farmer. Purnerkels can not survive in any environment other than the vacuum of space, and so their keepers are some of the few civilian Kepek who are permitted to regularly come and go from the Bektep Space Station to tend to their flocks, which Xari cherishes deeply.

Xari became a bilateral amputee at a very young age, and has a number of assistive tech devices, including different prosthetics, a wheelchair, and crutches, all of which have short-range teleporters installed into them, allowing Xari to "summon" them whenever they need to.


This image is similar to the previous one. It is another character profile for a character named Ravu. Ravu's name is in the top corner, as well as a translation of their name in the Kepek language and Ravu's colour pallet is to the right of that. An image of Ravu can be seen below, they are a small dragon-like creature. They have a round head and snout, with tiny nubs for horns. One of their teeth protrude from their snout and they have a long, chunky snake-like body with only two arms, which they are using to hug their tail. They are very dark purple in colouration and covered in star-like markings. beside the image is some text (transcribed below) and in the bottom right is an image of their egg, which is a similar colour to them with speckled star-like markings covering it.

Image text transcript:

Full Name: Ravurek

Known as: Ravu

Pronouns: Any

Speceis: Talbek

Race: Unkown

Gender: Unkown

Powers: Gravity manipulation, Energy manipulation, Immunity to temperature

It's unusual to see talbek at all, let alone one with such a strong bond to really any living creature, but Ravu seems to be the exception to this rule. They find immense comfort in the company of both Xari (whom they view as a mentor and guardian) and Wev.

Ravu, despite being only recently hatched, is incredibly intelligent. They (and the rest of their species) lack a voicebox however, and thus can't talk, leading many to mistake them for a simple beast under Xari and Wev's control. Voicing such assumptions in front of Ravu usually won't end well. Despite their overall kind and curious nature, they don't take insults to their pride lightly.

Ravu's egg was found drifting outside the Bektep Space Station. Xari found it when one of their purnekels attempted to eat it. Thankfully the shell of the egg is tough, and no damage was done.

Despite the thick shell, Ravu seems to have been vaguely aware of things that happened to their egg prior to hatching.

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