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Viper-Dragon: Ashfin Reference Sheet

I haven't been posting as frequently as I'd like lately, so I thought I'd share something I've been working on.

You may have noticed Ashfin, specifically an anthropomorphized version of him, has been appearing a lot in my artworks. Other than the fact I'm just rather fond of the character haha, the reason for that is I've been doing artwork of him to be used in a YouTube channel my partner Jesse and I are going to be running, which we're calling Viper-Dragon Studios. Kiesse, my own character, will be getting the same treatment soon, as the two characters are going to be the face of the channel. Initially I was planning to wait and show them both off together, but Ashfin took longer than anticipated, so I figured it might be best to show them separately, as Kiesse's still might be a while away.

I've already made and posted the artwork that was origonally going to be used for Ashfin, but on closer inspection I realised something was wrong with the perspectives I'd drawn, and well, I wasn't happy with how it looked. I've always had a bit of trouble visualising characters in 3D space, especially with long snouts, so I decided to go back to the drawing board with both characters and do a full turnaround with them for the referance sheet. That way when I'm drawing them, I've got a better, well, reference. It's not perfect, the wings in particular are a bit wonky when you see him turning around haha, but I'm still pretty happy with it.

One Down, One more to go!

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