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Xari and Ravu

This is my latest piece of concept art for my still unnamed comic, featuring two of the main characters, Xari (the green alien) and Ravu (the dragon) in Xari's spaceship. The intent behind this piece was to more firmly nail down what I wanted the style of the comic to look like, and see how these characters colour schemes look in a proper scene (since most of the artwork I've done of them has only been with very simplistic backgrounds.

A green alien with 4 arms and 2 prosthetic legs is standing with their back to the viewer, in front of a window of a spaceship. Gripping thier left two arms is a small, dark purple baby dragon, who is looking directly at the alien. Through the window a large space station is visible, though mostly obscured in shadow. A red star can be seen in the distance, and the star-filled sky has a deep red colouration to it.
Xari and Ravu

While I do really like how the piece came out, I think I do need to change Ravu's colour scheme somewhat, as much of the comic takes place in outer space, and they are a bit hard to see against the dark background - though this issue could also be fixed somewhat with some adjustments to the shading style as well.

Below I've posted the unedited timelapse (an edited version of which will be available on my Tik Tok Account later in the week)

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