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Xari the Protogen

I recently discovered Protogens, alien animal cyborgs created to explore deep space with interchangeable limbs and tails, and that premise got me absolutely hooked on these lovable guys! I decided I had to make a protogen of my own, so, let me present: Xari

Xari's default colour is green, but it can change to suit her mood. The display on her visor will also change to reflect this. Currently, she has 8 different eye types, as well as 3 symbols that can appear on her forehead. I hope to add a few more in the future.

I really enjoyed working on Xari, and I'm probably going to continue to work on her on and off for a while to get everything working a bit smoother and cleaner, as well as giving her a bit of a backstory, but for now, I'm really happy with how she turned out

I've also made a short video to show her visor in action, and how it's controlled!

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